I had so many people ask my about my body scrub recipe so I thought I'd just post it here with pictures and step by step instructions! Enjoy!
~ 1/2 cup of sugar
~3 tbsp of oil (I use apricot kernel oil, but olive oil or grapeseed oil is fine too.)
~3 drops of peppermint Essential Oil. This is just for the peppermint scent. You can use any Essental Oil for a different smell like orange, lemon, tea tree,ect. I've used lavender before too:). I think peppermint extract would be ok to use if you don't have the oil.
~A container to mix and keep it in

Here's a picture of the items you will need

First add 1/2 cup of sugar

Then add the 3 tbsp of oil (Apricot, grapeseed, or olive)

Then add the 3 drops of EO of your choice (I used peppermint)

Mix it all up with a spoon and here you go! This makes enough for a couple of applications so you can double the recipe if you want more. I just mix it in this container and keep it in the shower. You have to make sure to mix it up everytime you use it because the oil settles to the bottom of the container. It works great on feet too! Just be careful because the oil can make the tub or shower slippery. The best part about this, is it's cheap because you have everything you need right in your kitchen!!